Eggplant summer top dressing attention problem

1, the right amount. Eggplant requires the largest amount of nitrogen fertilizer, but in the hot season, the urea should be controlled within 30 kg per acre. Because of the high temperature season, the conversion rate of urea after applying it to the soil is faster. After the plant meets the needs, the excess will be caused. Loss. Especially in sandy soils, the proportion of loss will be greater. The application rate of ammonium bicarbonate per mu per mu is not more than 40 kg, and the application amount is too large, in addition to causing nutrient loss, it will also cause ammonia damage to eggplant leaves and fruits.
2. Appropriate law. It is a habit for vegetable farmers to apply fertilizers, and it is a habit to use water, but this method should not be used in the summer high season. Because of the higher temperature, when the fertilizer is applied, a large amount of ammonia vapor will reduce the fertilizer efficiency, especially ammonium bicarbonate, which is more likely to cause ammonia poisoning of eggplant. It is best to use ditching or acupoint application. The thickness of the buried soil after top dressing should be no less than 5 cm to reduce the volatilization of the active ingredients of the fertilizer.
3. Reasonable matching. Although eggplant requires the largest amount of nitrogen fertilizer, it is also indispensable for phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. In the case of top dressing, it is not possible to apply nitrogen fertilizer every time. In the fruiting period, it is best to apply 2 times of ternary compound fertilizer, the total of 2 times per mu should be no less than 40 kg to meet the needs of eggplant growth and results.
Luo Junying
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