Why do you fight corn seedlings after fertilization?

Why is there a problem with snoring in corn with urea top dressing? What is the role of irrigation and cultivating? It turns out that the snoring of corn seedlings is the ammonia that is decomposed by urea. Because the corn seedlings are still small, the leaves are young and close to the ground, and the amount of urea applied is large, and it is applied to the surface of the soil. Only a small amount of surface water is poured in the high temperature season, and the granular urea cannot be leached to the depth of the soil. Can dissolve a large amount of urea in the surface. Calcareous soil belongs to alkaline soil. The dissolved urea molecules decompose rapidly at high temperature to produce a large amount of ammonia and carbon dioxide, resulting in smoked seedlings.
In this case, the conditional plots are first watered and then cultivated. It can dilute nitrogen fertilizer and ventilate to promote root growth. For plots that are not flooded with water, the measures to cultivate the soil after deep cultivating can be taken immediately, so that nitrogen can be reduced to reduce ammonia volatilization, and the roots can be removed. Case suggestion: Urea is a high-concentration nitrogen fertilizer, used for top dressing, the amount of application should be appropriate. Calcareous soil is alkaline, and it should be covered with urea and ammonium nitrogen fertilizer as top dressing.
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