What should you pay attention to when applying saline-alkaline soil?

Saline-alkali soil is a general term for saline soil and alkaline soil. Saline soil is a salinized soil with high salinity (chloride or sulphate). Soil alkalinity (in terms of pH) is not necessarily high. Alkaline soil is carbonate or bicarbonate soil with high pH. The soil is alkaline. The commonality of saline-alkali soil is low organic matter content, poor soil physical and chemical properties, more negative cations and cations for crop growth, low soil fertility, and crops are difficult to catch.

The general principle of fertilization of saline-alkali soil is to increase the application of organic fertilizers and appropriately control the application of chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizer contains a lot of organic matter, which can increase the buffering capacity of the soil to harmful cations and cations, and is beneficial to rooting and seedling protection. In places where conditions permit, it is possible to use straw to return to the field and plant green salt-tolerant green fertilizers to reduce the harm of salt and alkali to crops.

Fertilizer application should not be too much, to avoid aggravating secondary salinization of soil, chemical fertilizer should be mainly applied in small portions, combined with organic fertilizer application of chemical fertilizer. When applying fertilizer, you should pay attention to irrigation, which can reduce the concentration of soil solution. The saline-alkali land should be supplemented with phosphate fertilizer, and the appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, with little or no application of potassium fertilizer, because the saline-alkaline soil potassium is generally not lacking. Alkaline soil fertilization should be applied with more physiological acid fertilizers, especially the application of sulfate-containing fertilizers such as superphosphate or ammonium sulfate, which is beneficial to the improvement of alkaline soil. As for the chemical fertilizer in the saline soil, the physiological neutral fertilizer should be applied as much as possible, and no yin or cation which is useless to the crop is left. Because saline-alkaline soil is generally not easy to seedling, the application of seed fertilizer should be careful, try not to be close to the seed, so as not to increase the concentration of soil solution and affect germination. Top dressing should be applied in time according to the situation of lack of fertilizer. It is necessary to pay attention to the base fertilizer, especially the farmyard manure containing a lot of organic matter, and a large amount of application as a base fertilizer is beneficial to soil improvement and crop yield increase.
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