"Electronic dog" Guangdong hot-sale traffic police reminded to save five hidden dangers

The Dongguan traffic police said that most of the dealers are buried transmitters, rather than receiving signals, so they remind car owners that "let's believe that dogs are better than believe themselves."

"Please follow the traffic signal." A matchbox-sized instrument emits an alarm sound after a burst of signal lights, and at the traffic lights in front of the vehicle, you will find that the electronic eye is facing you-this situation has been in Dongguan Is commonplace.

However, this small device, known as the "electronic dog" and sold a thousand units a month in the Dongguan market, has recently been banned by the police. From May, the use of "electronic dog" in Dongguan may face a penalty of up to 200 yuan.

Market reaction "electronic dog" monthly sales of more than 1,000 units

While driving his Odyssey, Manager Wu of a car 4S shop in Dongguan Changan said: "It is indeed more convenient. Normal people will inevitably have irregularities while driving. Install an electronic dog and remind yourself often that you can save a lot of trouble. And loss. "It can be seen that he is very satisfied with the" dog "who is due diligence, and this is the common idea of ​​many car owners.

In Dongguan, where car ownership is not small, the "electronic dog" has always been a hot commodity. Among them, in auto parts and supplies stores such as Dongguan Jinniu Road, you can see "electronic dogs" with different brands and prices on the containers. Even many auto 4S stores have started to sell "electronic dogs". Mr. Fan, the head of a car dealer's parts department in Liaobu International Automobile City, said: "Customers need it, and there are many people in need, so they started selling it. Now. "

Boss Shi, an auto parts wholesale store in Hengkeng, told reporters that his monthly sales are basically about one or two hundred units, and there are no fewer than 10 suppliers like him in Dongguan. From this rough estimate, the monthly sales of "electronic dogs" in the Dongguan market is at least about 1,000 units, and the number of local car licenses in Dongguan is thousands.

Police attitude to bring "dog" on the road to be punished

An industry expert told reporters that the scientific name of "Electronic Dog" is "anti-radar speed alarm". Its main purpose is to timely alarm the radar speed measurement section on the highway, and the accuracy is relatively high. "For our car owners, electronic dogs can promptly remind us to avoid violating traffic rules; and for traffic police, electronic dogs can also help maintain traffic order." An owner told reporters. But in fact, such a seemingly positive thing has not been officially approved. On the contrary, the Dongguan City Traffic Police Detachment has begun to punish the owners of "electronic dogs".

Relevant personnel of the Municipal Traffic Police Detachment told reporters that according to Article 11 of the “Guangdong Road Traffic Safety Regulations” implemented on May 1, 2006, motor vehicles must not be installed with devices that affect the normal use of traffic technology monitoring equipment. Article 58 of the "Regulations" also stipulates that those who drive motor vehicles with such behaviors shall be ordered to make corrections and be warned or fined 200 yuan. From May 1, 2006, the traffic police began to punish the use of "electronic dogs".

Experts say that it is invalid to deal with the electronic eye "electronic dog"

Experts told reporters that the current working principle of the "electronic dog" is not what many people think it is, by receiving a radio signal from an electronic camera to alarm. The working principle of the "intelligent traffic violation surveillance camera management system" of the electronic police electronic eye has three main categories. The first category uses a radar transmission radio system; the second category uses a laser optical system; and the third category uses a physical system that feels pressure. Yan Haibin from the Publicity Section of the Dongguan Traffic Police Detachment said that the latter two are basically irrelevant to radio. For these electronic eyes, the "electronic dog" requires another method.

The merchants took a somewhat dumb-looking approach-the signal transmitter was embedded in the road section equipped with the electronic eye to send a signal to the corresponding brand of "electronic dog", so the vehicle equipped with the "electronic dog" Under the speed limit sign, a voice prompt will be issued "accurately". According to the traffic police department, Dongguan's electronic eye detection is basically done by burying the coil, that is to say, the dealers are basically buried transmitters near the electronic eye of Dongguan.

  The traffic police reminded the "electronic dog" there are five hidden dangers

Although there is no relevant law that clearly indicates the illegality of the "electronic dog", it does not comply with the "safety regulations" to a certain extent.

According to the Dongguan City Traffic Police Department, the "electronic dog" does not comply with the relevant provisions of the "Guangdong Road Traffic Safety Regulations" to a certain extent.

On the other hand, because distributors bury alarms instead of directly receiving signals, the various “electronic dogs” currently on the market actually have various hidden dangers.

Problem 1 Short-lived "network" coverage is difficult

With the continuous expansion of the use range of electronic eyes, since the "electronic dog" is "man-made" by regional distributors, its coverage is naturally difficult to guarantee. Therefore, although the "electronic dog" has a high accuracy rate in local use, it is inevitable that there will be an "eye" of missing the network, and the phenomenon that the electronic dog is not copied will be copied.

In addition, the transmitter used to transmit the signal is a rough radio signal transmitter, which is powered by 4 batteries. If the battery has no charge, the transmitter will not send a signal. At this time, the "electronic dog" in the car is completely lost of smell, and its life is difficult to guarantee.

Question 2 Businesses do whatever they can to benefit

Many car owners report that the "electronic dog" often needs to be upgraded, and after several upgrades, the "electronic dog" can no longer be used. According to people familiar with the matter, this is actually a way for some businessmen to upgrade and replace the previously purchased "electronic dog" for commercial benefit. Due to the fierce competition in the "e-dog" market, merchants often adopt unhealthy methods of digging out other transmitters and putting them on their own transmitters. Without the transmitter, the "e-dog" is useless.

   Question 3 Difficult to deal with "mobile police"

"Electronic dogs" are often powerless to mobile police. On the one hand, the mobile police itself is not fixed, and the transmitter cannot be placed along with its flow; on the other hand, the technical content of the current testing equipment used in mobile speed measurement is relatively high, such as laser (laser) speedometers, the price is at least 10,000 Around US dollars, "electronic dogs" are unlikely to detect and identify these sophisticated devices.

  Question 4 "Nationwide" does not live up to its name

According to the owners of some auto parts stores on Jinniu Road, the GPS radar detectors that are commonly used nationwide are basically on the market today. Experts said that because the principles of electronic eyes used in different provinces and cities are different, and even the electronic eyes that emit wireless signals have different frequencies, it is difficult for "electronic dogs" to ensure that they are all receivable. To achieve "universal universality" Unlikely.

Question 5 It is more difficult to ensure safety after use

"The installation of electronic dogs seems safe for car owners, but in fact it is even more unsafe." Relevant people in the city traffic police team said worriedly that many car owners who installed "electronic dogs" may have relaxed their due vigilance and Consciousness: Anyway, there is an "electronic dog" to check, and when you call it, you will drive normally. When you leave the line of sight of the "electronic eye", you will start speeding and change lanes illegally. This kind of psychology is the biggest safety hazard. Threat.

Related links: "Electronic dog" outer packaging has no factory phone

It is understood that there are currently three kinds of speeding reminders in the domestic market: one is a matchbox-sized reminder that is directly inserted into the cigarette lighter. It is generally made in China and is priced at less than 400 yuan for all sensed frequencies. Alarms will be given; the other is a "low-end" product abroad, priced from 600 yuan to 1500 yuan, specially reminds "speed radar"; the third is a "high-end product" above 2000 yuan, with GPS Positioning and voice prompts. It can not only detect fixed radar speedometers, but also detect mobile radar speedometers temporarily set by the traffic police. But the first type is usually used more often.

In the Dongguan market, there are currently four popular "electronic dogs" with prices ranging from 100 to 200 yuan. It is worth noting that the packaging boxes of these "electronic dogs" have no factory address and telephone without exception, and some are just a simple website.

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