Cotton should be fertilized like this

In the past, the ratio of fertilizer to NPK was 3:1:3, and the commonly grown transgenic cotton was sensitive to potassium and needed a large increase in potassium. According to the experimental investigation in recent years, the insect-resistant cotton pair The demand ratio of NPK is 3:1:4. Since fertilization can not violate the basic principles of “minimum nutrient law” and “irreplaceable law”, if potassium fertilizer and micro-fertilizer are lacking, and partial application of nitrogen fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer will cause nutritional imbalance, not only will it not increase the yield, but also Caused by waste, low fertilizer utilization and Other adverse consequences. Therefore, it is the best way to achieve cost-effectiveness by applying nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, increasing potassium fertilizer, supplementing micro-fertilizer, and letting cotton eat a reasonable nutrition package.

Scientific fertilization reference program: 1 base fertilizer. According to the fertilization characteristics of cotton, combined with the current actual situation, the cotton field with a yield of 300-400 kg per mu generally applies 10 kg of urea per mu, 20 kg of diammonium phosphate, and imported potassium chloride (60% pure potassium content, 50% pure saline content in saline-alkali soil) % of imported potassium sulphate) 20 ~ 25 kg, or acre of NPK 15-10-15 compound fertilizer 50 ~ 65 kg, the general output per mu of the application of diammonium phosphate 20 kg, potassium fertilizer 20 kg or compound fertilizer 50 kg It can be combined with the application of zinc, boron and other trace element fertilizers of 1 to 2 kg per mu. It is better to apply more than 2 square meters of farmyard manure per acre. 2 topdressing. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is best applied as a base fertilizer at one time. Nitrogen fertilizer can be applied in the “three-seven-open” period in the stage of Shengli and Hualing. The same amount of fertilizer applied, and the application of nitrogen fertilizer in stages can increase the yield by 10% compared with “one-time topdressing”. about. 3 spray foliar fertilizer. Foliar fertilization is the most economical and effective fertilization method, which can promote plant stability, enhance disease resistance, insect resistance and anti-premature aging ability, significantly improve yield and quality, and have low cost and good effect. During the growth period of cotton, 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution or a good helper high potassium foliar fertilizer can be sprayed with 0.3% high-enriched solution for 2 to 3 times. The effect is very obvious.

Source: Hebei Science and Technology News Author: Li Chang Bao, Wang Dongmei
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