Calcium deficiency symptoms and fertilization techniques

First, the symptoms of calcium deficiency in cucumber
Calcium is poorly mobile in plants, so calcium deficiency symptoms are often manifested in new tissue. Generally, young leaves contain less calcium than old leaves. When calcium deficiency occurs, it is easy to cause heart disease, the growth of the apex is blocked, the leaves are yellow and curly, the top leaves become smaller, the symptoms of dwarf appear, and the leaves become brown and die. In the case of continuous low temperature, low light, and then suddenly sunny, high temperature, the leaf edge of the leaf near the growth point is curled and dead, showing a parachute shape, the leaves of the upper leaf are yellowed, the leaves become smaller, and the roots die.
Second, the main reason for calcium deficiency in cucumber
1. Calcium content in soil is insufficient. Calcium carbonate and calcium phosphate are the main sources of calcium in soil. However, sandy soil, old vegetable garden, heavy vegetable garden and vegetable garden with low organic matter content often have insufficient calcium.
2. Low effective calcium content in soil Generally, there is no shortage of calcium in soil. However, ammonium ions, potassium ions, sodium ions and magnesium ions dissolved in soil solution can antagonize calcium ions and inhibit the absorption and utilization of calcium ions by vegetables. And the phenomenon of calcium deficiency.
3, the root system is poor in the absorption of calcium. The absorption of calcium by vegetables is mainly done by the root tip, and the absorption capacity is poor.
4, the mobility of calcium in plants, the main driving force of calcium transport in plants is the flow of transpiration, calcium transported through the catheter to the vigorous growth of organs, basically no secondary distribution. Therefore, the organ with a large transpiration intensity and a longer growth time has more calcium transport, resulting in less calcium in the upper leaves. Calcium in the leaves is difficult to transfer to the fruit, thus causing calcium deficiency in the fruit.
Third, the role of cucumber calcium
1. Prevention and treatment of physiological diseases increase calcium nutrition, and can effectively prevent various physiological diseases caused by calcium deficiency.
2, increase production, improve quality calcium can promote root absorption, cell division, and promote the synthesis of carbohydrates and proteins.
3, improve the storage and transport of calcium can reduce the activity of ethylene synthase; reduce the respiratory rate, delay the climacteric period, inhibit cell aging. In addition, calcium is an important component of the cell wall, which increases the rigidity of cells and organs and increases the hardness of the fruit.
Fourth, the key points of cucumber calcium supplement technology
1. The base fertilizer should be added with calcium, magnesium phosphate, calcium phosphate, calcium nitrate and other calcium-containing fertilizers on the basis of general application of organic fertilizer, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. The old vegetable garden and heavy hoe should be added with lime. The amount of calcium applied in the acre is 1.67 to 3.33 kg.
2, foliar fertilization plus 1 ~ 2 kg of superphosphate per 100 kg of water, stirring for half an hour, and then soak for a period of time, the above supernatant can be sprayed, also choose amino acid calcium, calcium humate, biological calcium fertilizer Etc., spraying at the peak of the absorption of calcium in vegetables.
3. Scientific application of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers has an antagonistic effect between ammonium ions and potassium ions and calcium ions. When the content of ammonium ions and potassium ions in the soil is too high, and the ratio of nitrogen to calcium is too high, the absorption of calcium can be inhibited. The amount of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer should be properly controlled, and scientific fertilization should be carried out to avoid the phenomenon of excessive nitrogen and potassium fertilizer.
4. Adding organic fertilizers Organic fertilizers are rich in organic matter and various nutrients required by crops. They are a complete fertilizer and have a unique effect on improving soil and fertility.
5, the appropriate amount of boron fertilizer to promote the amount of boron can promote the production of carbohydrates into the roots, promote new roots, is conducive to the absorption of calcium, can be incorporated into the amount of borax in soil calcium and foliar spray . (紫萱) article source: China Fertilizer Network
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