3 kinds of fungicides commonly used in flowers

Triadimefon has the functions of prevention, eradication and fumigation for rust and powdery mildew. Apple rust, white poplar rust, chrysanthemum rust, psyllium rust, rose rust, rose powdery mildew, jellyfish powdery mildew, cineraria powdery mildew, ivy powdery mildew can be prevented. If sprayed with 25% triazolone wettable powder, the usual concentration is 3000-4000 times; if sprayed with 20% triazolone EC, the usual concentration is 2000 times. In addition, triadimefon has certain control effects on flower leaf blight, brown spot, and leaf spot.

Chlorothalonil has a preventive effect on a variety of plant diseases. Chlorothalonil has good adhesion on the surface of plants and is not easily washed away by rain. Therefore, it has a long period of efficacy, usually 10 days. However, it has no systemic conduction and will not be absorbed from the spray site and root system, so the spray should be even and thoughtful. It is usually sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil WP 600-1000 times, which can effectively prevent black spot disease, poplar black spot, chrysanthemum brown spot, peony brown spot, rubber tree anthracnose, Clivia anthrax Disease, cherry blossom brown spot perforation, etc. Chlorothalonil has certain irritation to human skin and eyes, and should be protected when used.

Antimicrobial bacteriostatic not only prevents and kills bacteria, but also has a strong ability to kill viruses. In addition, since the raw material for production is urea or potassium salt, it also has a function of promoting plant growth. Spray with 50% carbendazim WP 1000-2000 times, which can effectively prevent black spot disease, rose powdery mildew, rose stalk, rosedust, rose root cancer, tulip blight, lily leaf Blight, chrysanthemum mosaic disease, a bunch of safflower leaf disease, turf brown spot disease, lawn stem rot and various root rot, stem rot and so on.
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