In the process of deep drawing, the problems encountered should be carefully observed, carefully analyzed, and the specific reasons are found out from the many influencing factors such as deep drawing process, drawing parts and deep drawing materials, and taking correct measures. Treatment measures. 1. Product shape and size change (1) One side wall is low and thick, and one side wall is high and thin. Analysis of the reason: the pressure ring is not flat, the resistance of the sheet entering the die during the drawing process is not uniform, so that the side wall with low deformation resistance is low and thick, and the side wall with large resistance is high and thin, as shown in the figure. 1 is shown. Countermeasure: Check whether the axis of the convex-concave die does not overlap due to long-term vibration, whether the crimping ring screws are different in length, whether the geometry of the die has changed, or the radius of the corners around it is inconsistent due to serious wear, etc. The situation is adjusted. (2) The edges of the deep drawing pieces are uneven and uneven. Analysis of the cause: The concave corners of the die become uneven due to long-term wear, and the flow and deformation of the various parts of the sheet are not the same when drawing. Countermeasure: Grind the radius of the die corner to keep it even. (3) The side walls of the parts are different in height and thickness. Analysis of the cause: The deviation of the mold positioning portion or the center of the sheet positioning plate does not coincide with the center of the die. Countermeasure: Check whether the center line of the convex and concave mold is collinear, or adjust or replace the spare parts of the positioning plate (see Figure 2). (4) The deformation of the wall of the workpiece is inconsistent, resulting in different heights, uneven thickness, and severe cracking. Analysis of the reason: the punch is skewed into the die during stamping, and the gap between the punch and the die is different. Countermeasure: The punch is worked as the base surface, and the bottom surface is ground to the same direction. If there is still a problem with the size, trim the size of the bottom surface of the positioning after it is perpendicular to the working cylinder surface (see Figure 3). Please refer to the attachment for more details: Birch Plywood,Birchwood Plywood,Staining Birch Plywood,Birch Veneer Plywood LINYI JIUHENG IMP&EXP CO.,LTD ,
Figure 2: Defects in the parts produced by the convex and concave molds
Figure 3: Defects in the workpiece when the center line of the punch is not perpendicular to the plane of the die