Although Tesla relies on superior technology and the construction of supercharged outlets to allow electric vehicle users to enjoy convenient green travel, the biggest shortcoming in the EV industry is still reflected in the power battery. The good news is that chemical engineers at Pennsylvania State University have just introduced their new EV battery prototype. By briefly heating it to 140 ° F (60 ° C) and then quickly cooling to ambient temperature, it can complete a fast charge in 10 minutes. It is reported that lithium-ion batteries are currently widely used in smartphones, laptops, cars and trucks. However, with the development of time, the battery will encounter a series of problems, especially the formation of crystal branches that may cause the cell to be broken. On the other hand, the ambient temperature when the battery is charged is also important. If it is too cold, lithium ions will be spiked on the battery prototype (also known as Lithium Plating / Lithium Plating), resulting in battery degradation and increased risk of use. Although charging at a higher temperature is more effective, it also needs to worry about battery degradation. Chao-Yang Wang, a professor of chemical and materials engineering sciences at Pennsylvania State University, said: Operating at an extreme temperature of 60 ° C is strictly prohibited by the battery industry. This not only poses a risk to the material, but also significantly reduces the life of the battery. The good news is that they have found a new method of high temperature fast charging. This designed new EV power battery prototype needs only 10 minutes of heating to reach 60 ° C (140 ° F), and then quickly cools to ambient temperature. It is achieved by a thin nickel, one end of which is connected to the negative terminal and the other end extends beyond the battery, thereby forming a third end. The electrons can flow through the nickel foil and heat the battery in just 30 seconds. For subsequent cooling, the research team also thought of many methods. This includes using a fan to charge and quickly cool within a temperature range of 49 ~ 60 ° C (120 ~ 140 ° F) to avoid lithium plating. As a result, it is capable of rapid charging and discharging in 1,700 cycles. As a comparison, ordinary EV batteries can only last 60 cycles when heated to 20 ° C (68 ° F). Wang said: They proved that they can charge an electric vehicle with a range of 200 to 300 miles (320 to 480 kilometers) in 10 minutes and maintain 2,500 charging cycles, which is equivalent to a journey of 500,000 miles (800,000 kilometers). . However, before putting it into practical use, there is still a lot of work to be done, such as determining that this battery is fully scalable, and even further reducing the time required for high temperature fast charging. Details of this research have been published in the recently published journal "Joule".
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(Photo from: Chao-Yang Wang / Penn State)
Research map (from: Joule)