Miscellaneous ceiling error: thickness is not as thick as possible

During the renovation, many owners have committed the same mistake, thinking that the thicker the integrated ceiling is, the better. Experts pointed out that this is a wrong view.

Ceiling industry is getting more and more attention

Although the building materials industry is now hailed as the sunset industry by the industry, the ceiling industry has been hailed as a sunrise industry by people in the industry. Since the second half of last year, the selection of ceilings has become more and more important in home decoration. Wang Jing, general manager of Hecheng Ceiling, analyzed that: "From the consumer's investment in the decoration of the ceiling, we can see that everyone's requirements for the kitchen and the upper floors are increasing, from the previous one or two thousand yuan to four or five thousand yuan. Even ten thousand yuan."

Name family integrated ceiling

"From the point of view of actual sales receipts in stores, there are more and more consumers using integrated ceilings. Consumers' attention and acceptance of integrated ceilings are increasing. For merchants, there are more opportunities and challenges. It is also bigger." Said Xifei Fei Wang Xiaorong, general manager.

Ceiling to choose the living room ceiling aisle ceiling appliances home decoration space flat meter decoration decoration kitchen integrated ceiling kitchen ceiling kitchen bathroom ceiling bathroom ceiling materials bathroom ceiling

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