Floor shopping mistakes wood and laminate flooring vary

The increasing use of flooring in home furnishings nowadays is mainly due to its atmospheric style and comfortable feet that have won the favor of many homeowners. Compared with the floor tiles, the floor is more fashionable. However, there are many types of flooring, such as solid wood flooring, laminate flooring, and composite solid wood flooring. Floors of different materials are very different in price and quality. Consumers need to purchase scientifically according to their own consumption.

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Solid wood floor purchase points:

The natural warm atmosphere that the solid wood floor creates in the interior design is unmatched by other floor decoration materials. Its elegant temperament, return to nature, comfort and environmental protection, full of personality, so it is favored by consumers. However, because many consumers don't understand the characteristics of wood, they choose to buy wood floors according to their own wishes. As a result, a lot of embarrassment is often incurred and the results are poor. For this reason, there are several misunderstandings that must be taken seriously by everyone.

The first consumer misunderstanding - the pursuit of a long and wide floor Many consumers believe that the wider and longer the wooden floor, the more extraordinary. Such choices were very stylish at the time, but cracks, warpage, deformation, etc. would occur soon after use. This is because wood is made up of countless cells. Although it is tempered and tempered by temperature and humidity, it is natural after all. It will swell and shrink as the environment changes. When the micro-deformation is concentrated on a floor, the wider the board, the more problems will occur. If you choose a short and narrow plate, the amount of deformation is not obvious on each plate surface. So choose the floor should be short and narrow. It is usually 600 to 900mm long, 75 to 97mm wide, and 16mm to 18mm thick.

The second consumer misunderstanding - excessive pursuit of rare species of wood species of wood flooring, consumers will be confused when purchasing. Therefore, we must look at the brand's noteworthy, reputable manufacturers to buy, in addition to their quality can be guaranteed, the product also has a certain warranty period, where the quality problems encountered during the warranty period, manufacturers can be responsible for repair or change, remove Consumers' worries.

The third consumer misunderstanding - excessive pursuit of color, texture, solid wood flooring is natural wood products, the same kind of tree due to the location of the plant, sunlight, temperature and other natural environment, its color is different. Furthermore, when sawing a tree, because of the different sawing methods and the different shades of color, there are objectively chromatic aberrations and uneven patterns on the solid wood floor. This is a natural feature of wood and one of the important features that return to nature. . For this reason, in GB/T 15036-2001 solid wood flooring national standards, no color difference is required.

The fourth consumer misunderstanding—the seller and the lay-up are separated because the seller and the laying party are not in the same unit. Therefore, when problems occur on the local board, the two parties push each other and cause consumers to suffer and regret.

The fifth consumer misunderstanding - attention to purchase, ignoring the laying of solid wood flooring laying method has a direct paste method, keel laying method, suspended laying method. No matter which kind of laying method is adopted, we must choose a regular installation team. They insist on implementing five non-shopping methods: 1. The wall is leaking wet and the ground is not dry; 2. The mixed construction is not paved; 3. The compulsory use of inferior accessories is not Shop; 4, too fast, can not implement the process does not shop; 5, the requirements of the board no color, the absolute level is not paved. In order to avoid the quality problems caused by the quality of the paving, it is recommended that consumers choose a professional installer, preferably a factory installer.

Miscellaneous Flooring Mistakes:

Misunderstanding 1: Pursue the thicker the better

In general, the thickness of the skin of three-layer solid wood composite floor is preferably 2 to 4mm.

The thickness of the skin of the series of multi-layer solid wood composite flooring is preferably 0.6 mm, and that of the hand-crafted antique solid wood flooring is generally 2 mm. Thick skins will naturally be higher in price than thin skins, but thick skins are not as good as they are. We should choose the right skin thickness to choose from. It is the best policy and we should not over-explore the panel thickness.

Second, when purchasing solid wood laminate flooring, it is necessary to choose reputable brand-name products and give priority to products identified by the relevant national or industry sectors. Do not buy "three non-products" products, the "full foreign language packaging" products should be purchased with caution, if it is imported goods, should have Chinese signs and import documents, can not be cheap but only buy low-priced products.

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