It is equally important to reject the unacceptable texture of the bamboo flooring.

Foreword: Experts say that high-quality bamboo flooring is made from bamboo that is more than three years old. When picking bamboo flooring, it is necessary to use your hand to weigh and choose a bamboo flooring that is heavy. Bamboo flooring with lighter weight is usually made from tender bamboo of one to two years old. The tender bamboo is not mature, its density is small, the bamboo is tender, and its stability and bending and compressive strength are not very good. More than three years old bamboo is dense, stable, and more durable.

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The old and new light of bamboo flooring material is not enough to see the weight, but also to observe the texture, if the texture is unclear, this bamboo flooring bamboo is not fresh, is the older bamboo.

A good bamboo flooring surface has a relatively high degree of wear resistance. Bamboo flooring is usually the use of matte wear-resistant paint, bamboo flooring selection, the sand can be used in the bamboo flooring surface back and forth more than a dozen times, if the bamboo floor does not change significantly, that its wear resistance is better. As the bamboo flooring is a crude fiber structure, high hardness and high density, its thermal conductivity and deformation resistance are better than those of other wooden floors, and it is still the most suitable flooring for geothermal heating.

Bamboo flooring processing accuracy is also very important. When selecting, ten or so bamboo floorings can be arbitrarily taken and placed on the flat ground. There is no large gap after the floor is assembled, and the bamboo flooring with a neat shape and stable structure is a floor with good quality. In addition, after the bamboo flooring undergoes a unique secondary carbonization technology, all the nutrients such as eggs, fat, sugar, and protein in the bamboo material are charred, and not only the waterproof performance is greatly improved, but also the problem of insect infestation is eliminated.

Experts cautioned that bamboo flooring should avoid hard impact, sharp scratches, metal friction, etc. during daily use. When cleaning, apply a dry mop to wipe. If conditions allow, floor waxes will be applied once every two to three months. This will help extend the life of the floor.

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