Farmhouse homemade fertilizer technology

First, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer. 2.5 kg of grass ash was put into 12.5 kg of clean water, and then 1 kg of sieved superphosphate was slowly added. After stirring for 6 hours, the supernatant liquid was taken out, leaving the sediment, and then 10 kg of water was added to the sediment. Stir, soaked and filtered to obtain a clear solution. The supernatant obtained twice before and after was mixed, and diluted with water to 50 kg to prepare a potassium dihydrogen Phosphate solution. Can be soaked in 25 kg. The sediment can be sprinkled into the field for Fertilizer.

Potassium dihydrogen phosphate is a fast-dissolving compound fertilizer containing nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium, which is suitable for any soil and crop. Most of them are used for top dressing, soaking seeds, and seed dressing, and the effect of increasing yield is remarkable.

Second, nitrogen and phosphorus compound fertilizer. Take 50 kg of carbon ammonia, 15 kg of potassium Chloride , 2.5 kg of zinc Sulfate , 250 kg of human excrement, 100 kg of cow dung (or 500 kg of pig manure), 2000 kg of red stone bone powder, divided into 5 equal parts. Then, lay a layer of red stone bone powder (400 kg), sprinkle with other fertilizer, pat it with a wooden board, and finally seal it with straw or film cover, and become a nitrogen-phosphorus compound fertilizer after 20-25 days. According to the test, 1500 kg of this compound fertilizer is used as the base fertilizer per acre of wheat or corn, which can increase production by 10-12%.

Third, humic Acid phosphorus ammonia. Take 100 kilograms of decomposed biogas slag, add 5 kilograms of phosphate rock powder, mix and mix, pile up piles, 3-5 cm thick layer of mud with cow dung, then sprinkle with a layer of fine soil, seal for 40 days. It is made into humic acid Phosphate fertilizer. Then turn the humic acid phosphate fertilizer into layers, re-stack it and paste it into the mud, then make a hole in the heap around the top of the pile, then inject the ammonia water in a ratio of 100 kg of humic acid phosphate plus 5 kg, and paste the hole with mud. strict. After 8-10 days, the odor is successful outside the hole. This compound fertilizer is used as a base fertilizer and has obvious effects.

Fourth, vegetable liquid fertilizer. Take 150 grams of diammonium phosphate, 100 grams of urea into a canned bottle, add water and stir evenly, seal with plastic film, dry for 3-4 days, shake 2-3 times a day, take out when the liquid changes from light gray to sauce. Watering 12.5 kg, sprayed on the vegetable leaf surface, has the effect of promoting the speed of vegetables. Spray time is sprayed once every 4 days after 3 pm. Applying this liquid fertilizer, the radish increased by 23%, and the cabbage increased by 25%.
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