Can control cotton bollworm without medicine

Chemical control is the main measure for controlling cotton bollworms in production, but as an auxiliary means, a combination of agronomic measures can often receive good control effects.

1. Pruning insects: During the cotton buds, the tops, the tips, and the ineffective flowers and buds that were removed during field management were taken out of the field, which reduced the stock of eggs and insects in the field by 40%-60%. .

2, smear the eggs to eliminate insects: in the cotton bollworm egg age, according to the line to eradicate the eggs, every three days to wipe, even wipe 3-4 times, can reduce the egg volume by 60% -80%.

3, irrigation and pest control: in the hemp of the cotton bollworm, combined with drought-resistant irrigation, the mortality rate of cockroaches can reach about 70%. According to other data, if the flooding submerged the topsoil for about one and a half days, the mortality rate of the cotton bollworm for one day was 100%.

4. Fertilization and disinfestation: In the spawning period of cotton bollworm, 1%-2% calcium perphosphate leaching solution is used for foliar spray Fertilizer, which can reduce the egg drop of cotton field by 33.3%-74.4%, with an average of 55%.

5, cultivating pest control: timely cultivating in the cotton growing season, can destroy the diverticulum, kill the insects, reduce the emergence rate.

6. Putting bee and pest control: When the egg rate in cotton fields reaches about 5%, the red-eye bee is released into 15,000 heads per acre, and then placed once every 4-5 days, even for 3-4 times. The effect can reach 69%-100%.

7. Light traps: According to the phototaxis of cotton bollworms, a black light lamp is installed every 20-30 acres of cotton fields to trap adults, which can reduce the number of eggs dropped in the field by 20%-30%.

8, artificial catching insects: in the prevention of aging or drug control after the high density of debris, mobilize the masses to the cotton field to capture older larvae, the effect is obvious.
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